Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

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This wiki is an encyclopedia of the Wimpy Kid Series which was made by the author Jeff Kinney.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

Julian Trimble is a character who appeared in Old School. He is a student at Westmore Middle School and is one of Greg's cabin-mates that stayed at Hardscrabble Farms for a week. According to Greg, Julian has great affection for his mother and is rarely seen without her due to having separation anxiety. In fact, he is so devoted to her that, in second grade, he clutched his mother's arm as she walked out of the drop-off zone and had such a strong grip that the assistant principal had to pry the two of them apart.

Greg also states in his journal that he might've decided to go to Hardscrabble Farms alone, but after seeing Julian momentarily taken aback by his mother dropping him off, he realizes Mrs. Trimble tricked him into it, much to the 12-year-old's chagrin.[1]

Julian and his cabin-mates later engaged in team-building activities, including a trust fall, a "Bucket Brigade" game, and an obstacle course made of ropes, which failed due to Julian being unable to tie a knot between him and Emilio Mendoza, preventing Timothy Ames from going to the bathroom.[2][3]

Jordan Lankey, Julian's bunkmate, found a tick on the back of his neck, to the entire cabin's shock. He was then sent to the Nurse's Station to see the nurse with his chaperone, Mr. Jefferson, and was found unharmed. In their absence, his cabin-mates except Greg went nuts in the cabin.[4]

During the mail call, he burst into tears after his mom sent a photo of her and her pet dog along his letter.[5]

The next morning, Julian was witnessed groaning and clutching his stomach in his bed, next to a half-eaten stick of deodorant. As a result, his mother drove to Hardscrabble Farms to take him home. Before they left, Julian was seen gleefully smiling in the car without any signs of pain, implying that his excuse to go home was falsified, or he had fully recovered from eating the deodorant by the time they left as suggested by Greg.[6] His action of apparently eating deodorant inspires his cabin-mates to do the same thing, so that they could go home as well, resulting in everybody’s deodorant being taken away before they could copy him.


  • It's possible that Julian is related to Evelyn Trimble, as they both have the same last name.




  1. Old School, page 144
  2. Old School, pages 147-148
  3. Old School, pages 151-152
  4. Old School, page 153
  5. Old School, page 172
  6. Old School, page 178