Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

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This wiki is an encyclopedia of the Wimpy Kid Series which was made by the author Jeff Kinney.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

Infinityblade2995 Infinityblade2995 29 November 2017

My Die A Ree

Hello I am someone with the gender known as 'Mail'. This is not my diary. This is a book given to me by someone. I am someone who likes stuff and hates stuff. My favorite wiki is the Battle For Dream Island Fan Fiction wiki. In Texas, I was given some diaries by a middle school student known as Greg Heffley. There was one time in the Heffley House in which I was treated like a baby by a weirdo. At least that's what I call it. I once wrote my own diary before someone tore out the pages. THat's all for now.

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